Thursday, September 26, 2024

Perking up with Percolated Coffee

A rough day…
Joseph: I felt so down cycling back from town that I stopped for a freshly percolated coffee at Excelsior Caffé. That perked me up.
Wolfgang: Some have such sensitive and gloomy natures! What brought you so low this time?
Joseph: Brother-in-law wrote that he had been knocked around by chemo and radiation. I felt hungry because of this girth-reducing diet I’m on. I lost a video editing gig, at the ATM got confused and forgot my card PIN number. And being between houses, I felt homeless putting all my belongings in boxes. Plus, just feeling old… all this deepened my depression.
Wolfgang: Wow, that’s a good cluster of downers.
Joseph: Seriously, it was a rough day. The coffee helped a bit, though.
Wolfgang: Glad the coffee perked you up. And you have me to unload onto, right?
Coffee to tide you over the dietary downs, and friends to bring you up from down under.

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