Sunday, July 28, 2024

Graveside Visit

At the garden center café…

Sophie: I visited my mother's grave yesterday. I was there alone, and it was so peaceful.

Barbara: Did you talk? I sometimes visit my mother's grave too. It's comforting to talk to her. I like that she doesn't reply; it makes me feel more independent.

Sophie: Well, I sometimes hear her voice. Yes, there's something calming about those moments.

Barbara: Uh huh. It's a space where I can just be myself and speak freely. How was she, your mother?

Sophie: I told her about everything that's happened lately, and this time she, well, just listened. It felt really good.



Listening is an art. Something you want to be remembered for, even when you’re gone. Maybe people will keep coming to talk even then. So the connection will continue.

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