Saturday, January 27, 2024

Stay or Leave?

A catastrophic earthquake is predicted for Japan’s Pacific coast...

Izumi: Did you see Professor Kakuda explaining the data coming from the Nankai Trough.

Kenji: I saw that. He says predictions are for 2035 plus or minus five years either way.

Izumi: So the danger starts to increase from 2030.

Kenji: Might be a good time to think of an alternative place to live.

Izumi: If you can get away. I mean, a Magnitude 9 will take out a lot of infrastructure like roads, airports. Not to mention buildings. And the economy? Will the Japanese yen collapse?

Kenji: It’s a gamble, it’s fate, it’s destiny. You move: you avoid a short-term catastrophe. You stay: you avoid a longer-term disruption to your career, housing, community.



"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." 

Jean de la Fontaine.

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