Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Kite flying in Bali

On the beach below the whirr and the growl of Bali kites…

Mervyn: Everybody seems to be doing it. Do you fly kites, Kamang?

Kamang: Well, I used to run a business before CovidMy business suffered a lot, no tourists and restrictions. During Covid, flying kites helped me to cope with stress and depression.

MervynSo kite flying helped you through?

Kamang: Absolutely! It was my therapyRunning with the wind, feeling the pull of the kite, watching it fly up was a sense of freedom.

Mervyn: And helped you stay strong. I hope your business has started to recover.

KamangSlowly picking up. It’s been tough, had to sell my car, no eating out. Flying kites with my kids also brought me closer to them.



Flying kites in Bali is a cultural heritage. It is also a reminder that some joys in life are simple and are celebrated in Nature outdoors.

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