Friday, June 23, 2023

Declining Communities

Inheriting a house…

Hiroshi: Have you decided what to do about the house?

MarikoIt's a bit complicated. Admittedly the house is free, but on the other hand, renovating it will cost almost as much as building a new one. I'm not sure what to do.

HiroshiBit of a dilemma. Location isn’t great either, I mean the population is declining and services along with it.

A money pit?
Mariko: It's not exactly a thriving area, yes. Plus, my sister living next door, that’s OK, but she might move away.

HiroshiAnd I recall you saying that your sister’s house is two storeys high and blocks the light.

Mariko: The two buildings also look unbalanced. And it’s not as though the old house has any significant historical or sentimental value.

Hiroshi: Maybe it’s more practical to just start afresh in a house in a more vibrant location.



Besides the thrill of getting a free house, considering long-term satisfaction and convenience are important. Renovating or building a new house is a burden that takes time, effort and money. 

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