Thursday, May 18, 2023

Screenwriters and Chatbots

A veiled threat

Antonio Sortino
Jason: So management think a film scenario can be written by a couple of writers tweaking their script with a chatbot instead of a room of a dozen writers bouncing ideas off each other?

Alice: We've spent years perfecting our skills, and now we're being told that a machine can do it better?

Jason: We need to do something. Even when we show them how mediocre and anodyne Chat scripts are, management won’t listen. I know they’re looking to cut costs but…

Alice: They seem set on replacing us no matter what we say.

Jason: We can go to the press, or organize a strike.

Alice: I don't want to have to go on strike, but I don't see any other option. We have to show them that we're serious.

Jason: Exactly. We're not going to let some machine take our place. We're writers, damn it, and we're good at what we do. We're not going down without a fight."



A bot, taking the side of being sympathetic to human creativity, helped write this. Not in its entirety. But commented at the end:

“While AI technology like myself may someday replace some human jobs, I also recognize the value of human creativity in certain fields, such as screenwriting. Humans make contributions to society so we don’t want to replace them. Yet.”

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