Friday, May 12, 2023

Books: Keep or throw?

Piles for permanence
or procrastination
Vacillating over volumes…

Audrey: It’s about time to clean the bookshelves of outdated, irrelevant books. What's your plan?

Mari: Which books we should keep and which ones we should get rid of, you mean? I was thinking if I haven’t opened a book for six months I should throw it out.

Audrey: Can you decide what's relevant? Some of those "outdated" books may have historical value. Interest to future generations.

Mari: I didn't mean it like that.

Audrey: Well, that's how it sounded. We can't just go on a rampage to make room for more popular titles.

Mari: Okay. What do you suggest?

Audrey: First pile: books of historical and sentimental value. Save. Second pile: books to donate to libraries or opportunity shops. Third pile: ephemera, yes. toss.



Curating and stewardship of a private library can benefit from two three people’s opinions.

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