Thursday, February 25, 2021

Uncollected Ashes

Ambiguity about ashes...

Potomnik: I’ll pick up the urn for Walter Wiczelaw tomorrow.

Tòtka: Which Walter is that? Walter K. or Walter P?

Potomnik: You have an urn for Walter P. Wiczelaw? He died in 1976.

Tòtka: Yes. We’ve been waiting for his family to pick it up.

Potomnik: For 45 years? His ashes were supposed to have been scattered.

Tòtka: They were never collected.

Potomnik: Well, his children have all died, we are the grandchildren and it would be nice to inter his ashes in a grave.

Tòtka: That’s reasonable. Then you can have somewhere to visit him.

Potomnik: Hmm, maybe two Walter Wiczelaws in the same graveyard. Uncle and nephew. 



So you can request to have your ashes scattered but rellies forget and eventually their descendants want to park you in a grave anyway so they can come and chat with you. Forty-five years of waiting to be picked up and then no rest after you are entombed.

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