Sunday, February 21, 2021

Transplanting a tree fern

A small garden.

Kenneth: We’re putting in a new fence so a couple of ferns had to be moved. We dug this one up and relocated it a couple of meters back.

Karl: A Cyathea medullarus, isn’t it? Dug up the roots?

Kenneth: Yes. Wasn’t hard. They’re shallow. Reminded me of a triffid.

Karl: Did you throw a couple of buckets of water in the hole before planting?

Kenneth: Yes and watered the trunk. That’s its root system isn’t it?

Karl: Basically, yes. Still, transplanting is a shock for them. It’s still summer. It’s a 50-50 chance it’ll survive.



Tree ferns mainly use their roots as an anchor in the ground. Bit of blood and bone with the water in the hole. They like a place dappled in light. Water the trunk too but don’t overdo it. And hope it is one of the 50% that respond to kind attention.

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