Saturday, January 23, 2021

Phasing in a Reduced Carbon Footprint

Tesla Cybertruck
Balancing economics with going green…
Joe: Why do you want an electric vehicle?
Leon: To reduce global warming, to clean up the environment.
Joe: Very laudable. We all would. What’s stopping you?
Leon: I have an investment in a couple of vehicles which still run fine and whose value hasn’t been written off.
Joe: So you’re trying to phase yourself out of fossil fuels and into more environmentally friendly transport?
Leon: While watching the costs, yes. Technology is improving and prices are falling…So the plan is to have sold all my fossil fuel vehicles by the end of 2022 and be all electric by 2023.
Joe: Sounds like a downsized model of government policy.
There is also the question of where the electricity comes from. If the electricity is generated from hydropower, that’s renewable. Good. Or solar panels on the roof. Also good.

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