Sunday, September 17, 2017

Storyboarding on Whiteboard and PowerPoint

A documentary film director explains story generation…
Intern: How do you draft your story?
tabula rasa beginning
Documentarian: Two ways: first I scribble the plan on a big white board using words and arrows in different colors.
Intern: Brainstorming?
Documentarian: Stream of consciousness more like. I like to stand, walk around, I like the space of the white board to write on. A strong coffee, like Nespresso’s Kazaar, helps.
Intern: It’s then refined?
Documentarian: Here’s where I go from to analog to digital. When I’ve got the flow, I open PowerPoint and start pulling in pictures. One slide, one picture. Photos, sketches, diagrams.
Intern: No words?
Documentarian: The narrative goes in the comments window at the bottom of each slide.

A visual conceptualizer evidently. The process has merit. A PowerPoint plan can be saved as a movie to be played as a pitch for the project. It could even be used to base the film trailer on.

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