Friday, September 6, 2024

The Poetry of Plumbing

Hotel desk
Receptionist: Good evening Mr Lynch! I hope you’re enjoying your stay. Everything alright with your room?
Lynch: Oh, yes, wonderful. I was particularly intrigued by the exposed plumbing below the wash-basin. I was tempted to call it “a poem of plumbing.”
Receptionist:  The pipes are exposed to allow for easy access in case of a sudden leak or any urgent maintenance. This way, there’s no need to tear off walls or panels.
Lynch: Clever. It also adds a design feature to the room while being practical.
Receptionist: Functionality with a bit of artistic flair you might say. Enjoy your stay.
Plumbing, is derived from the Latin “plumbum” for “lead”, which early pipes were made of. Lead being soft is easily shaped. Gradually an awareness of lead poisoning led to copper being used. Which has been replaced by cheaper materials such as stainless steel or PVC.

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