Friday, August 9, 2024

Kangaroo Viewing

Travelling in kangaroo country...

Brian: Do you know where I could go to spot kangaroos? In the wild I mean.
Richard: Kangaroos? If you’re around early in the morning or just before sunset, they’re usually most active during those times.
Brian: Any specific spot you’d recommend nearby?

Richard: Yalgorup National Park is a good spot. It’s about 20 minutes from here, and you’ll have a good chance of spotting them near the open grasslands or even around the lakes. The park is pretty quiet, so it’s a good spot for wildlife.
Brian: Any precautions you’d suggest?
Richard: Kangas can be unpredictable, especially the big ones, so keep a safe distance. Don’t approach them, especially if they have joeys. 
Another thing is that they can hop across roads so take care driving especially at dawn and dusk.

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