Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Politician and the Dean

Tokyo governor election is in two weeks…

Hayao: That young fellow, Ishimaru. He reminds me of the dean at your university.

Michael: He does? In what way?

Hayao: Talks with no notes, expressive, personable. Persuasive. Bursting with ideas.

Michael: The dean does that, yes. I haven’t heard Ishihara speak.

Hayao: I’ll send you a YouTube link.
He went up the Chuo Line yesterday stopping at major stations, and even though it was raining big crowds turned out.

Michael: So the incumbent has a real challenger.



Ishimaru is coming up fast from behind. The dean is thrusting his university into the news. Both use social media, and surround themselves with capable people. And one knows funding is needed to make changes in policy. The other knows economics drives change in education. 

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