Sunday, May 28, 2023

Nagging vs Encouraging

A message comes in…

Alec: What’s that message on your watch?

Stanley: It says “Stand up.” After I walk around for a minute it will praise me and say “Well done.”

Alec: Is that nagware?

Stanley: Not really. Nagware is usually used as a marketing technique to encourage users to buy a product or upgrade. Sometimes it’s regarded as pushy or a negative experience. This is a health tracker so the messaging is more encouraging than nagging.

Alec: Uh huh. So It’s supposed to support the watch wearer’s exertions?

Stanley: It’s supposed to be motivational, prompting users to track their progress, stay hydrated, get enough sleep.



What might be seen as encouragement by one person might be regarded as nagging by another. People have different thresholds for what they regard as encouraging or intrusive.

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