Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Take up your bed and hike

Appropriate footgear
Easter weekend…

Jack: Didn’t do a lot. Built a fence which the gale promptly blew down. How was the hike?

William: Gale force up there too. And freezing.

Jack: You stayed overnight?

William: I had this whole hut to myself. Cooked my noodles and passed out until morning. 

Jack: Nobody on the trail?

William: Not a soul. Got a bit out of breath and had to stop for a rest several times. Dehydration, didn’t take enough water, prep a bit lacking.

Jack: Your hiking tales inspire me. I should take out my seven league boots and head for the hills.

William: Sugarloaf is not too taxing.

Jack: I was thinking of something like a walk up to the shops at the end of the street to begin with.




Some necessary hiking takealongs:

Weather-appropriate clothing

Seven-league boots

Water and noodles

Medicines, maps and a multi-tool

Communication device


“If you are in a bad mood, go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood, go for another walk.” Mary Wetherly.

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