Sunday, March 26, 2023

The big country across the straits...

So far yet so near...
A container ship passes an outlying island…

Host: Look through the binoculars. Mostly Maersk. Heading for Naha I would think.

Guest: Paradise. The garden below, merging into the sea faraway... 

Host: Yes. Nice. But it might not be forever.

Guest: Geopolitics?

Host: Yes. It’s a worry. The big country over there.

Guest: Where would you go if an invasion looked likely?

Host: There’s no way to protect anyone on the island. Sell up for what we could get. Early. Then head back to the mainland.



There is little protection against a big power taking over an island. They can do it with soft power like capital and providing infrastructure. When that doesn’t work, they might fall back on deployment of military materiel. And in a world of burgeoning populations, drum-thumping idealism, egotistical leaders, shrinking resources, finite land area we should expect more attacks. Diplomacy might delay action, but that is a game of carrot and stick.

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