Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter egg painting

Seeking identity...

Sorbian Easter eggs

What do you want people to remember you for?
Witkojc: Now, that’s a question that can make you tidy up your life and get prepared for the end.

Questor: You’ve thought about it?

Witkojc: Not as much as I should have. How about, painter of decorated Easter eggs?

Questor: You’re joking?

Sorbian flag
Not at all. My ancestry is Sorbian. Grew up in Australia knowing nothing of Sorbian culture. Never learned any recipes, literature, music, festivals or dances. But at Easter Sorbians paint eggs. Beautifully. Even in a small way I can connect with my ancestry. Now is the time.

Questor: It’s never too late, eh.



Cultural background forms us. Cultural identity forms personal identity. Those who have a cultural identity can take it for granted. Those without one may struggle to find their path.

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