Sunday, November 15, 2020

Rainfall, Waterfall, Rockfall

After a big rainstorm…

Kristina: I heard that 250 mm fell in 24 hours making it the worst storm in 250 years.
Alain: Hmm. Coincidence that the rainfall of 250 mm equalled the time since an equivalent big storm of 250 years. 
Kristina: Yeah. Odd that. Especially since there were no measurements being taken that long ago. Anyway, the rain was heavy. Walls fell in the street.
Alain: You mean your 10 meter retaining wall?
Kristina: Nope, a meter-high wall up the street. Still, a hundred houses in town are flagged as unliveable.
Alain: And five hundred houses still to be inspected.

Rogue rainfalls may contribute to hill property prices falling, but flooded properties on the flat may depress prices even further. Freak weather events can slow a rising real estate market.

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