Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Self -publishing: Writer as Production Manager

Another rejection…

Violet: Nobody wants it.
Max Sellars: Why not publish it yourself?
Violet: Vanity publishing?
Max Sellars: Not necessarily. You control it, it goes into print, or becomes an e-book, you get bigger royalties. 
Violet: Downside?
Max Sellars: Downside is you have to do the publisher’s work too. Editing, designing, illustrating, printing, marketing, promoting, following up.
Violet: It’s not as though I haven’t thought of it. I even started planning the second in the series.
Max Sellars: Great. You theme your tales.  Your genre is sci-fi so run a hero through the series. Be consistent with the covers.

Anyone can write a book if they have the self-discipline. Whether you are an early-morning writer or a night-writer, or whether you crank out 1,000 or 5,000 words per day. Regularity seems important. After that, it’s getting it published. Increasingly competitive in terms of numbers of books being written. Increasingly easy in terms of having the option to self-publish. Do your research before going down that path. There are scores of guides


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