Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Interviewing the Interviewer (2)

Spy vs spy…
Interviewer: You’ve been an interviewer for 40 years. Particularly in Japan. What’s the most important thing to keep in mind while interviewing?
Stephen: You, the interviewer, are the medium. The interviewee is the message. Your job as interviewer is to help the interviewee tell their story.
Interviewer: And as the interview progresses?
Stephen: Keep a balance of planned questions and spontaneous questions. Questions should be short. Allow the interviewee to tell a story. Keep the tone light, don’t beat a topic to death.
Interviewer: Do you prepare?
Stephen: Usually. Times I haven’t it’s gone less well. You may not use your research but it’s there to be drawn on. Plans are useless but planning is essential.
Interviewer: As an interviewer do you ever find yourself interrogating friends?
Stephen: Oh yes. They sometimes say, you aren’t conversing, you’re interrogating me. And you have to learn to the difference between interrupting and interjecting. Takes practice.

The interviewee tells stories of his successes and sketches of when things went wrong. An admirable synopsis of interviewing.

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