Thursday, October 16, 2008

Carrot and stick

Having a drink on Friday night with Ben, Kingsley, of Kingsley and Moss, describes the settlement he offers to staff on having to close the firm.



Kingsley: So I thought I’d offer them a choice.

Ben: A choice.

Kingsley: Stay for two weeks and take one month severance.  Or stay one month and take two months as severance.

Ben: Meaning that it gets harder to find a job the longer they stay? A case of carrot and stick? Do as I say or else?

Kingsley: I’d describe it more like carrot and carrot. Either way they win.



The if-then-else logic, often stated as:

…If condition Then statements [Else elsestatements ]…

…implies that the carrot is a reward and the stick is a punishment. Hmm, OK for pain-hating vegetarians perhaps but… would an SM carnivore see this choice as the carrot being a punishment and the stick a reward?


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