Eric: Today I met a charming young lady and paid her 900 for an hour's work. You can guess her profession.
Wallace: Charming young lady and 900 for an hour's work? Hmm. (a) a lawyer (b) a doctor (c) bank teller (d) reality show star. Hmm, good exam question.
Eric: If only it were only an exam question. But I kid you not. The price was painfully real.
Wallace: Joking aside, this sounds like your doctor. Had your burned leg turned to septicemia?
Eric: No, it was the fee to the process the condo title.
Wallace: Now, if you were a cat...
Eric: Which thank heavens I'm not...
Wallace: As I was saying, if you were a cat, your owner would take care of all the vet bills, the rent and legal fees.
Eric: I am not a cat.
Wallace: The medical fees you rack up make me think it'd be cheaper to register yourself as a cat.
Eric: Maybe it'd be cheaper for me to clone myself then harvest the other me for body parts.
Wallace: Grow a clone of yourself? How do you plan on doing that? Pull a rib out of your side and water it? Ha!
Eric: They've done it in
Wallace: Hmm. Is it culturally insensitive to describe the denizens of Great Leader's country as all being much of a muchness?
At the end of a working day, Denny Crane and
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