Monday, July 15, 2024

English bicycle tyre valves and hot weather

Pick up at the airport…

Émile: How was the trip?

Filippo: The usual. Crises unfolding just as the hour of departure enters the 24 hour to go window. Happen to you?

Émile: Always. Some things never change. What went wrong this time?

Filippo: Wasn’t a full-blown melt-down. Pressure during the final week. Finish classes. Packing the boxes…

Émile: Ah. The fifty boxes of your life. Jacques emailed me.

Filippo: Ran out of boxes, found several more but then the rear tyre valve rubber perished and leaked so I had to push the bike home.

Émile: In the summer heat, yes. The “eishiki barubus” do that.

Filippo: Finished packing the last box and rushed to the airport, no time for a shower.



英式バルブ. Aka known as English valves, Dunlop or Woods valves. Change every year to prevent them perishing in the heat. Used in Japan but not in England despite the name.

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