Friday, February 18, 2022

The Thousandth Post

The thousandth post…

Anastasia: Never thought I’d get this far.

Arthur: Blogs are a thing of the past, wouldn’t you say? Most die about Year 2.

Anastasia: Mine almost did. Published a book, attached a blog as a supplement for exploring new material. It was on the verge of petering out, near death.

Arthur: You’ve been at it for fifteen years. How did you retrieve it?

Anastasia: Routine. Decided on six posts every month.

Arthur: Without fail?

Immagina mille conversazioni
Anastasia: Never faltered. Helps to be obsessive by nature.

Arthur: Why do you write?

Anastasia: Mainly for me to practise dialogue writing. Imagined conversations, usually between two people.

Arthur: How do you express different voices?

Anastasia: I choose a name for each character. Visualize an Arthur talking quietly. Conjure up an Anastasia talking like a diva.



Authorial intrusion: I focus on everyday events and issues. Attempt to clarify my woolly thinking through edited writing. Try to capture the voice of the characters. It’s a journal, I don’t really care if it’s read or not. It’s for me to use later. Perhaps. I suppose I should attend more to marketing, metrics, presentation and engagement through comments but for me the content is the important thing.

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