Sunday, November 21, 2021

Government order: No travel to funerals allowed

Cousins discuss a passing by text messages…

Adelle: So we can only farewell her by social media.

Molly: The messages coming in are sympathetic.

Adelle: It must have been difficult for her in her isolation in the retirement home, sitting by the window every day, no visitors allowed. I never heard a word of complaint from her.

Molly: Except she used to say, “I can’t understand what’s going on in the world. Has everybody died?” Inside, she was very anxious.

Adelle: Life was tough for her at the end. She once told me, you really don't want to live past about 90. It all goes to pieces then.

Molly: Both of your parents have been the most incredible people.

Adelle: Nice of you to say so. When we have had our parents in our lives for more than sixty or seventy years its a huge gap when they go.

Molly: I am sure they will live on in the character of all your family for generations to come.

Adelle: Thank you, but which bits of their DNA ended up in each of us?



Focus on only keeping pandemic case numbers distorts how people pass away from other things.

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