Sunday, December 6, 2020

Station Eleven

A tale of a faster, deadlier pandemic…
Kirsten: It was a woven tale.
Miranda: Meaning?
Kirsten: It started in the present, or at least, a present, jumped forward and back. Characters died and came back to life in earlier times.
Miranda: I read the premise: a post-apocalyptic story about a virus which almost eliminates human life.
Kirsten: Yes, yes. Takes out 99% of the population and kills in a day or so. Not like Covid which is much less lethal and almost languid.
Miranda: Reading such a book in the middle of a pandemic?
Kirsten: Unsettling. Highlights the fragility of human life, and the unsustainability of our civilization.
“Survival is not enough” is a theme of Emily St John Mandel’s Station Eleven. Published in 2015, it seems as prescient as scientists warning that Covid is just a precursor of pandemics yet to come.

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