Monday, December 21, 2020

Antithesis of a White Elephant

When a white elephant isn’t a white elephant…

Julia: I’d like you to have this. It belonged to my brother, Robert.
Antonio: A white elephant.
Julia: Yes, but it’s not a white elephant in the pejorative sense.
Antonio: As in a building one inherits and costs a fortune to fix up and maintain?
Julia: No, this little elephant was a good luck charm for Robert. He wore it whenever he flew. On a chain. Except on his last flight. It was sent back among his belongings.
Antonio: Thank you. He’s not what he might seem to be. An amulate. I’ll take him with me. Come on, Robert.
A white elephant is usually a large project, often a building or public works, that is troublesome, especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to get rid of. This one is the opposite…

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