Monday, November 18, 2019

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Tarantino surprises time and again…
Brian: The ending wasn’t what happened in real life.
Leo: You went expecting a documentary of the Charles Manson murders in a Tarantino movie? Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?
Brian: I went to see it, aware there was an alternative ending of the real life story.
Leo: As it certainly was. You wanted a happy ending? [SPOILER ALERT]
Brian: As with most of Tarantino’s films, the drama is bizarre black comedy, the ending unexpected. I mean, using a flamethrower on a woman in the pool while she’s firing a gun at the sky?
Leo: Classic Tarantino. Conversations almost disconnected from the action. Go back to Pulp Fiction see Jules quoting Ezekiel 25:17 as he and Vincent shoot multiple rounds into the hapless Brett. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children...”
Quentin Tarantino’s knowledge of films built up over the years makes his latest a treasure hunt of movie scene replays stitched into a gruesome comedy, it’s his retelling of the Manson murders against a 1969 Hollywood backdrop. The contrast of casting the murderers as inhumane, celebrating the victims Sharon Tate and her friends as angelic. There’s so much to talk about in this film, the real life story, the superimposition of the fairy tale on that, the cast, the locations, the retro feeling the nostalgia for the 60s, the references to other films. A rich tapestry, a fruity cake mix.

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