Friday, February 1, 2013

Jar Rabbit (Accountant)

White Rabbit!
White Rabbit!
White Rabbit!

February Rabbit lives in the LUCKY JAR*...
Counting the Notes of GOOD NEWS...
That keep dropping in.

a jar in which you drop in ...
Notes of Good Things that Happen.
Keep a white rabbit in there as an accountant.


Anonymous said...

What wish can a Jar of White Rabbit Pray? Lucky Jar, a February White Rabbit is sitting there. A reality life or a dream for a wonderful world? What kind of White Rabbit will be in a romantic February? She might like to dance in a Jar, and looking forward outside world...How can she stay in a Jar, and still looks so happy?

Barry Natusch said...

Anything looks better under glass but still... Rabbits in glass houses should't throw stones!