Friday, April 12, 2024

Health Trackers 1

On monitoring…

Leonard: Sometimes I feel like I'm a fossil. All this new technology, it's like a foreign language to me.

Antonio: Well, technology can be a great help. My Apple watch helps me keep track of my health, my schedule, even my messages.

Leonard: Ah, yes, the infamous Apple Watch. Seems like everyone's got one these days. But tell me, don’t you ever feel like you're too dependent on it?

Antonio: Well, maybe. Sometimes. Lately, I've been noticing that I'm constantly checking my heart rate, monitoring my exercise time... It's like I've be
come an extension of this thing on my wrist.

Leonard: I thought those health trackers were meant to be an extension of your body, not the other way around. 

Antonio: There are times that I feel like I'm more concerned about meeting the goals set by my watch than actually listening to my own body. Sometimes I wonder if we're heading towards a future where the technology becomes more essential than the very thing it's supposed to be enhancing.



As Leonard notes, with all the monitoring, it's as if the device has become more important than the body it's supposed to be helping. 

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