Monday, September 7, 2020

Coded Bias

 In a research lab…

Researcher: The software recognizes white male faces but not me. I have to put on a white mask to make the software work.

Interviewer: Who designed the system?

Researcher: Mainly pale males. Maybe not intentionally, but they built the way they see the world into their algorithms.

Interviewer: So it doesn’t identify you. That could be helpful sometimes?

Researcher: The flip side is if it misidentifies you as someone on a police watchlist. Mistaken identity.

Interviewer: Right. So you’re an innocent person but they misidentify you as a guilty person.



A documentary alerting us to the biases selected people build into artificial intelligence. To begin with, it may be the human design that makes AI a non-neutral scientific approach. Later the robots themselves may develop biases against humans… Coded Bias. A wake-up film!

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