Monday, February 20, 2017

Can someone hand me a rope?

A telephone conversation…
Kermit: Hello. (rising intonation)
Sam: Hello. (falling intonation)
Kermit: Something wrong? You OK?
Sam: I’m depressed.
Kermit: What’s up?
Sam: Rain, Grey sky. No coffee. Honey pot’s empty.
Kermit: Come over here. I can lift your spirits.
Sam: Can’t move. I’m depressed.
Kermit: I can counsel you on the phone. But it’ll cost you.
Sam: Money’s all gone.
Kermit: You can pay it back in your will.
Sam: Won’t be any will. Entire estate will be used up to pay fines for overdue library books.
Country's going to the dogs.
Is Sam the American Eagle’s depression connected with the current state of the U.S. politics?
Sam was always appalled by the nonsense that passes for entertainment. I wouldn’t doubt that Sam is also appalled about the shenanigans that passes for American politics these days.
I heard Sam say in one episode, in a deeper than usual depressive tone, “Can someone hand me a rope?” But google doesn’t seem to suggest a link to that episode. Anyone know of it?

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