Sunday, February 26, 2012

Elephant as Eco-friendly Papermaker

Lunch munched...
At the elephant orphanage…
Neil: Process. First, the trees are cut down. Next, they are cut into chips at the mill. Then, the chips are mixed with water and chemicals to become pulp. After that, the pulp is spread on a wire mesh. Finally, it is heated and dried and pressed to become paper.

For scratch pad
Anil: Elephants are more eco-friendly. First, they eat leaves and branches. Next, we collect their dung and wash it to reduce it to fiber. Then, the fiber is mixed with water to become pulp. After that, the pulp is spread on a wire mesh. Finally, it is dried in the sun and pressed to become paper. No fossil fuels, no electricity, no chemicals.

Neil’s five-step “First, Next, Then, After that, Finally” process model involves oil-using saws, trucks, and factories.
Anil’s five-step “First, Next, Then, After that, Finally” process model involves no fuel-driven machinery, only elephants and sunshine.
A sustainable Sri Lankan solution.


Anonymous said...

Animals cannot talk but it doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings or a language. Did you see a movie called “Tears of the Elephant”?

Barry Natusch said...

Meaning the film, "Water for Elephants?'Clever elephant. Although there was a whisper the elephant wasn't so well treated prior to filming.... Anyway, reviews a bit mixed but a good story.