My Dearest Emma,
With the utmost delight I write these lines to you on the eve of your birthday. How swiftly the years have flown, and yet, each one has only served to enhance your grace and charm.
I am on my way to join the celebrations, the coach and horses depart before the sun will set tomorrow so my arrival will be after darkness has fallen.
Arriving thus the night before the event in good time and eager to join you all in a celebratory feasting, in a lofty mansion. The event promises to be filled with games such as charades and musical chairs which reminds me that I hope you will perform airs, so be sure to bring your music. The prospect of such merriment fills me with the greatest anticipation. May your day be as radiant as your smile and as joyous as your laughter.
Sincerest Felicitations,
Jane A.
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