Sunday, September 15, 2019

Aerobic exercises

Sound of labored breathing...
Ricardo: Why is it?
Juan: Why is what?
Ricardo: That the more exercise I do, the weaker I seem to get. I’ve just finished five hundred presses and now, released of weights, my arms feel like pieces of string flapping in the wind.
Juan: Five hundred press-ups?
Ricardo: Not press-ups. Presses. Lying on my back.
Juan: No! You’re joking! Lying on your back? That’s hardly aerobic!
Ricardo: Hear my breathing? That’s aerobic!
wikiHow press-up
Aerobic exercises may be short bursts of activity but more sustained aerobic exercises, like long distance running, and requiring a lot of heavy breathing are said to be good for heart health. Those who can do forty press-ups have a lower risk of sudden cardiac failure. Maybe Ricardo should stow the weights, turn over, and switch from presses to press-ups.

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