Thursday, July 5, 2018

A TED-type talk: a performed presentation

After the plenary…
Anika: Marvellous. He didn’t read a single word. Just talked.
Markus: And the PPT slides. What images. Dozens of them.
Anika: So there you have it. He’d memorized his talk. A performance against the backdrop of a cascade of brilliant visuals.
Markus: Like theater. Or a movie.
Anika: Why can’t academics all present like that.
Source: The Best Schools
Markus: It’s called “reading a paper”. Seems they don’t know how to talk, or even read.
Anika: I wonder how much coaching presenters receive before doing a TED talk?
Academic conference presentations. Head down over a script, gabbling or mumbling. A very few can passably read as if they were a radio broadcaster. Even fewer can actually perform their script. Tribute to the Henry Jenkins plenary at NECS on 180627.

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