Sunday, June 5, 2016

Tokyo 2020 Documentary Prediction

Ichikawa's telephoto lenses...
Great moments in sport…

Oracle: Ali? The greatest!

Talib: And the greatest sports movie?

Oracle: Ichikawa’s Tokyo Olympiad 1964 in my book.
...went inside the athletes' minds.

Talib: And will the Tokyo 2020 Olympic movie be as good?

Oracle: It’ll be different. Ichikawa’s film was a celebration of ritual, spectacle, Japan, with lots of short clips of human interest darting in and out. Documentaries are different now. I predict there’ll be post-modernist, democratized, technologized elements.
Postmodern: A non-linear, non-chronological narrative.
Democratized: Crowd-sourced footage, perhaps through a competition.
Technologized: Drones, robots and animation.

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