Wednesday, January 21, 2015


In a newsroom…
Andrew Preston: Associated Press are using ISIL instead of ISIS now.

Wally Post: ISIL? ISIS is a little easier to say, and it recalls the Egyptian goddess of fertility, Isis.

Andrew Preston: So ISIL seems more like an abbreviation than an acronym?

Wally Post: Wouldn’t go that far, they are both pronounceable. It’s just the majestic image of Isis in “Glory to Egypt, hail to thee, Isis of strength and power…”

Andrew Preston: I think it went
“Glory to Isis and the land
By her firm arm protected!
To Egypt's King elected,
Raise we our festive songs!”

Wally Post: Anyway, ISIS as an acronym that connotes something majestic. Not sure if Islamic State of Iraq and Syria suggests that… I mean, terrorism is not majestic.

Andrew Preston: So maybe a clumsy and brutal abbreviation is more apt than a cultured acronym.
ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
ISIL: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

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