Thursday, July 17, 2014

Verb-head-driven Sentences, Adverb-head-driven Sentences and Preposition-head-driven Sentences

Ted and Ned on Retirement...
Ted: You don't have to work anymore. What will you do? Retire to the beach?

Ned: No way! You know what they say! Go down there. Lie in a deck chair. Die nowhere.

Ted: So how to avoid that? Where do you go? Elsewhere? Somewhere? Anywhere?

Ned: On a journey. To the west. For music.

Ted: Hmm.

Journey to the West on Green Machine
Ned: By motorcycle. Around China. With a drum.

Ted: Meaning you may be seen, in a new routine, on a green machine, beating a tambourine?

We wish Ned well, and that besides music, he learns other sentence openings than serial verbs, prepositions and adverbs. And that Ted and Ned both develop a subtler sense of rhyming. That said, their three-part metrical rhyming doggerels have a certain insouciance reflecting their youthful agedness...

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