Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bronze Rabbit

White Rabbit   White Rabbit   White Rabbit

Once a year the Rabbit 
can take a vacation.
Bronze Rabbit
He goes from the white northern hemisphere winter to a Sunny Southern Hemisphere summer.
For a bronzing.

Bronze Rabbit
Bronze Rabbit
Bronze Rabbit.

Stay out of the sun!

100mm macro, f2.8, lightbox


Anonymous said...

Bronze Rabbit!

December with a Bronze Rabbit. Why there is no one playing with? Maybe he is going to take a vacation. Where's the WHITE RABBIT? People seem used to see the White Rabbit on the first day of month. Sliver Rabbit? Or Gold Rabbit? If the monthly Rabbit changes, what the life will be change for the next?

Barry Natusch said...

The white rabbit needs a little sun from time to time. But sunburn wears off. Never fear, the white rabbit will reappear!