Thursday, October 30, 2008


In the lounge. In the next cubicle, a loud American voice is skyping.

Yup, hello, yeah, yeah, I hear you...

Conclusion? Basically keep up production. Let's not get carried away with all this talk of retrenching...

But, but, only 3 percent of Nokia sales are in the U.S. 23 some percent of sales are in Europe and the most of the rest are in Asia. We gotta position ourselves to take advantage of that. Guys from England are pulling back, but we keep up, we can take their market share. We definitely have to be proactive...

I just been in Shanghai. There's still a lot of growth here. Do you agree with me Steven? Are you with me on that? What do you think?

What I'm seeing on the screen, forecasting numbers, I'm seeing growth, even with...

You gotta realize that China and India are big, they're going to drive growth, that's what it's all about... China's growth might go down to 8% but they'll still be...

Look, I been in this business a long time and my feeling is that this slowdown won't be felt as big in Asia. Asia's gonna take up some of the slack...

I'm working on that. Yeah. Good to hear that...

Thanks guys, see you shortly, take care, bye.


Skype conversations in airport lounges have a certain business-like driven earnestness, fueled by regualr formulaic phrases. Numbers, statistics, reporting location, meeting arrangements, persuasion sometimes. Maybe the speaker, knowing that his "private" conversation is now a public performance, plays to the crowd. Makes the role larger than life, struts his stuff, plays to the gallery.

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