Tuesday, January 2, 2024

On not making new year resolutions

The second day…

Veronica: So how did you spend new year’s day?

Virgil: Started off good. Drone caught a brilliant sunrise over the estuary.

Veronica: And the rest of the day in a hammock looking out over the water?

Virgil: Not as laid back as that. Son got Covid so there was a bit of delivering of antivirals.

Veronica: Oh no, tough start to the year. Is he okay?

Virgil: Some fever, I hear. I don’t go in the apartment though.

Veronica: Make any resolutions?

Virgil: I got guidance from an article titled, Twenty-second New Year resolutions.

Veronica: Example?

Virgil: Don’t make any.



Not making any new year resolutions has advantages:

Reduced Pressure and Stress: Avoid anxiety and failure.

Flexibility: Rigid goals can be a burden.

Focus on the Present: Enjoy the journey.

Ongoing Self-reflection: More continuous evaluation.

Encourages Realistic Goal Setting: New Year resolutions can be unrealistic and not so achievable.

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