Sunday, March 29, 2020

Risk management traveling in a time of virus

...through a mask darkly…
Kleinman: In viral times like these, plans are useless but planning is essential.
Drusilla: (wearing a black mask): So you planned?
Kleinman: Plan A, B AND C.
Drusilla: Which were?
Kleinman: Plan A was to go to the airport and buy a ticket on the last flight. B was to use an existing ticket for the next day claiming to be an essential service person for that restricted flight. C was to stay put in Tokyo.
Drusilla: So you went to the airport. Didn’t that have a degree of risk?
Kleinman: There were three masked people on the 45 seater bus to Narita. Negligible risk. The airport was almost deserted because of all the cancelled flights. The flight itself had only 25 masked people on a 300 seater Airbus. OK, shall we say 10% risk? And at the airport on landing, masked biosecurity and police outnumbered arrivals Negligible risk again.
Risk management pack
Travelling in viral times hinges on risk management odds and preparation. Mask, ethyl alcohol spray for surfaces, sanitizer, stay a couple of meters from others. A 10% risk? Then self-isolation. That restricts it to negligible risk. Plan C, staying in a densely populated Tokyo reliant on public transport. Hmm. What if the infection rate soars? Risk is then less easily managed.


rolenzo said...

Risk uncertainty
routine passion
try to fashion
a way to eternity

Barry Natusch said...

Masterful rhyming: tea, shon, shon, tea. Risk juxtaposed with routine is a startling swivel. And oh yes, fashion fighting eternity, a timeless theme. Nice!