Sunday, November 18, 2018

Après the Award

Appraising the result…
Rowena: What made it a successful event?
Rebecca: It was a meritorious award. He'd done a lot of service for the city. Saving buildings from developers.
Rowena: A hundred people came?
Rebecca: He had a lot friends. He'd lived all his life there.
Rowena: 97 years old.
The Hawkes Bay Club
Rebecca: But a week before, falling and breaking his arm so he had to deliver his speech from a wheelchair. But he did well, entertaining them with a message and story. We must protect and preserve heritage buildings. The story: the 1905 Club building, that was nearly demolished by overeager developers, saved by a heritage assessment and a fire prevention sprinkler system.
Organizing an award for a notable person with a message so it goes smoothly needs the guidance of an experienced event manager behind the scenes to choregraph the scenes and speeches. Designed to be brisk, with flair and a dash of wit.

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