TinTin analyzes Haddock as a hedonistic dissonant…
TinTin: Let me get this straight. You were at Stabas at three, checking emails. Your flight was at nine. How could anyone –
Haddock: Miss the flight? It happens.
TinTin: But this is the third time in as many years.
Haddock: Well. There have been - um - mitigating circumstances.
TinTin: Is it something to do with not wanting to waste a minute? Catching the latest possible train to the airport?
Haddock: I - I don’t have a gold card to get into a lounge.
TinTin: Because you always take cheap flights. False economies. And another thing. This being the last one to board before the doors close. Hedonistic dissonance, wouldn't you say?
Haddock: Excuse me?
TinTin: The risk taker who deliberately acts to bring about a negative result.
Haddock: Not deliberate. Anyway, I can catch tomorrow’s flight.
TinTin: You’re too old to be always sailing so close to the wind.
TinTin is trying to make a point, but isn't quite able to throw Haddock out of the ring who is in vehement denial. However, the jury awards TinTin the bout.
Head on a stick? Disown us!
I do love the thin line trod by M. Tintin, between racism and discriminating in a good way, between National Geographic circa 1925 and Hustler. Did Herge really say that?
Capn, you got my boat. Uh, bote.
Rolenzo of Firenzo!
Good to see you dropping by the Globe on a notte fredda!
I confess to misrepresenting the utterances of Herge, TinTin and Haddock.
However, there is a curtain symbolism woven into the arras. The part of TinTin is played by Valentine, Haddock is played by Proteus, Snowy is played by Crab. But I am at a loss to cast Lote, who could he be?
Less haste more speed. The hare and the tortoise.Murphy's Law. Isogaba mawari. These and many more evince the wisdom of the ages. Take your time. Plan carefully. Leave plenty of margin for error. And they all date back to an era when people had nothing to do but lounge around watching the wheat/rice/cabbages grow. Of course these people never missed a plane. They spent three months saving up for their ticket. two months packing their enormous suitcases, and two weeks in rickshaws getting to the airport. Those of us who live in the modern world have to take one or two short-cuts. Indeed we are hard-wired to do so. We only function fully when there are no margins to leave and no time to think. Comfortable when in automatic mode, time and time again (at least three times a week) we unfailingly get to the airport gate before the doors have finally closed, and the panting and sweating involved are all good for the heart. It is only when we actually have a few idle moments to spare that it all goes horribly wrong. 99 times out of 100 the hare wins, while the tortoise stays at home. Watching the cabbages grow.
A good measured defence.
Many magnificent maxims ... many a little makes a mickle?
But do you have a study to back up your claim that "99 times out of 100 the hare wins?" Those power phrases produced to persuade like pulling rabbits out of hats:
"nine out ten times,"
"99 times out of 100,"
"In 90% of cases," ....
They sound good but I just wonder if the actual hare stats could stand up to any closer scrutiny.
The door might not slam shut every time just as Haddock arrives but he does seem to do a lot of haring about while shouting and waving wildly to get where he's going.
Peace from the cabbage patch!
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