Saturday, January 26, 2008

Holiday accident

Lionel comes in with tragic news.

Arthur: Hello. We got a call from Michael. What's up?

Lionel: Kerry. She was killed.

Arthur: No!

Lionel: Car accident.

Arthur: When?

Lionel: Wednesday.

Arthur: How did it happen?

Lionel: Horse bolted onto the highway. Crushed the roof in. She was in the passengers seat. Head injuries. Died at the scene.

Arthur: Will you stay over?

Lionel: Got to get over there. They're closing the casket tonight. Funeral tomorrow. Only 19.


Authorial aside: Arthur suspects something is amiss, Lionel, related to the accident victim, is suffering and keeps words to a minimum and descriptions cryptic. As males often do when coping with grief. A female bridge into expressing grief might be along the lines of “Life’s not fair” or “Why do these things happen?”

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