Monday, June 4, 2018

Linguistic decipherment (2)

Subplot: no subtitles …
Amy: A movie about cracking the code.
Benedict: The Imitation Game.
Amy: I meant Arrival.
Benedict: Both movies where the action is centered on linguistics.
Amy: Exciting?
Heptapod logogram
Benedict: Mmm. Cerebrally.
Amy: And people-driven plots. Alan Turing and Louise Banks.
Benedict: Both began as military problems and were solved by linguists.
Amy: Or mathematicians turned linguists. Literacy has a numeracy base?
How does a linguistic sleuth deconstruct an unknown language into its elements? By identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives, modifiers, particles to build a grammar then ascribing meanings to the words. Who knew that linguistics could be so exciting.

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