Monday, January 22, 2018

Throwing away old people on the mountain

Photos on the ski slope…
Toshi: If you tilt the camera at an angle, it’ll look like I’m speeding downhill.
Waka: You’re too old to speed downhill. You’d have to call the photo “fake downhill skier”. Trees are not standing up either. Standing still at the top of the ski run on your skis is more honest.
Toshi: This is my final ski trip. I need to leave a lasting impression.
Waka: How about I piggyback you up the slope?
Toshi: Meaning you are ditching me on the mountain obasute-style?
Waka: Your choice. Either you ski downhill and collide with a tree, or you lie down up the hill a bit, drift off into a sleep and they find your bones in the spring.
Toshi: Just tilt the camera.

The old Japanese custom of senicide may well be a myth or at least not widespread. But visiting the ski slopes with wobbly balance and creaky knees prompts a reminder that one’s body is not what it once was and triggers shivers of mortality. Especially since younger companions veer between sympathy and tolerance; others barely mask an “oh my” rolling of the eyes as they wave and swish off down the advanced slopes, and you stay on the less challenging descents.

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