Sunday, December 17, 2017

Japanese film: Miss Hokusai

After Miss Hokusai
Laurent: I know some artists and they are…
Ursula: Different?
Laurent: Hmm, they often don’t say much, liking to appear mist-wreathed. Talk too much, the aura fades.
Ursula: I know, the lustre rusts.
Laurent: They can be enigmatic and speak in epithets. If they gesture, it’s quick and dismissive.
Ursula: Artists simplify, and ukiyoe was an ultimate simplicity.
O-Ei itinerant
Laurent: So it was with O-Ei apparently, as Hara had it her appear that is.
Ursula: Then after her father died, it’s said she became itinerant. Seeking a simple life. “With two brushes and our chopsticks, we can live anywhere.”
Laurent: The father dies, and the child grows stronger? But in this case, it seems she rather vanished.
Sometimes not being there precipitates something serendipitous. Keiichi Hara himself vanished for some months in production, worried about doing justice to Sugiura's Sarusuberi, and causing some creative dilemmas, ultimately well-solved by disciples.

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